The Book of Mormon: The Exploration of the Mysteries of the Goodness of God!

Hello! My name is Elder Price and I would like to share with you the most  amazing book!

I started studying the Book of Mormon after the Holy Spirit required it. As with much of my work, I get these urges, kind of like remembering you left the iron on, and then the Words appear, they kind of scrawl across the blackboard of my mind.

This happened with the Chazakah, the 5th Gospel, the Last Word, everything in the Crossroad of the Divine, my need to perform an analysis of the Book of Mormon has been the same.

The Book of Mormon is the most important spiritual document that has ever been produced. People think those Mormons are Kooky Spooks, but their ancestors and their Book single handedly changed the world and for the best: They, their Prophet, Joseph Smith and their President, Abraham Lincoln used the Book of Mormon as a strategic playbook to end the grossest sin humanity has ever committed just shy of the Holocaust: Human slavery.

See my paper on the subject:
Religion and Revolution: Joseph Smith, Abraham Lincoln, and the Book of Mormon.

6,000 crazy Mormon men and women, and trust me they were batshit nuts, took a hard charge at ending slavery at great personal and collective cost and they did it! Yay!

The jumping Mormon – The Book of Mormon Musical – Australia

Unfortunately, they lost their Prophet, they lost a Sealer, President Lincoln, and all Brigham Young wanted was more buzz in his beehive: He was an advocate of polygamy far more than abolition, and extreme views towards polygamy in America forced the people to go on the run. The Book of Mormon, the real one got lost in the process. Now we have to deal with freaks like Barbara Green and James Dobson and inquisition level conservatives in the Faith that just get the rest of us down, and buggin is just not the job of a Latter Day Saint.

I approached the Book of Mormon like I approach all religious texts, using the ancient Indian science of Upanishad, “to bind truth to the mind”.

Upanishad starts with a Root Cause, a hypothesis regarding why God chose to dictate the scripture to a prophet or scholar. Then we search the text for supporting arguments, then we draw conclusions. Every last argument must stand up to the facts. We must be able to observe God’s Natures as explained in the scripture or see empirical evidence the scripture is true or it is nixed.

I was was delighted to see the Book of Mormon follows this format, and is indeed a Real Scripture. I really wanted the Mormons to be able to own their success and help us get out of the bind we are in, which is not to the truth but to hell and damnation.

I know with all of my heart and soul the Book was written and remains with us today for this very purpose and now you will see as well.

The Root Cause of the Book of Mormon, the Exploration of the Mysteries of the Goodness of God is this:

1 Nephi

I, Nephi, having been aborn of bgoodly cparents, therefore I was dtaught somewhat in all the learning of my father; and having seen many eafflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a frecord of my proceedings in my days.

Let us now make a record ourselves.

In First Nephi Chapter One, the Prophet says God’s Goodness can be attributed to His Aversion to suffering:

14 And it came to pass that when my father had read and seen many great and marvelous things, he did exclaim many things unto the Lord; such as: Great and marvelous are thy works, O Lord God Almighty! Thy throne is high in the heavens, and thy apower, and goodness, and mercy are over all the inhabitants of the earth; and, because thou art merciful, thou wilt not suffer those who bcome unto thee that they shall perish!

The first Mormons defied the world when they said “We shall not suffer thy Christian wrath anymore!” They inquired of God’s Spirit and this Book of Nephi is what they found.

What are we going to find as we delve deeper into this most splendid of all Mysteries?

Mormons are a subsect of a religion called Seekers. Seekers believe we need to push the restart button, that we have in no way begun to understand or live according to the Gospels. They think we haven’t quite got it yet, and rethinking them would be wise. The Book of Mormon is more aggressive and shuns the idea of Christianity or Bible based thinking in any way. Some of its notable features are its harsh criticism of the Old Testament, America, Christianity and its practices, and these, like a good Upanishad are all based in references to the facts.

I like it and you will too because it is a complete spiritual guide to contemporary life on earth, a one stop shop, makes your panties drop.

Stick with me as we explore the Exploration and you will see. Next: Our salient point from 1 Nephi Chapter 2.

*And don’t flip your chickens, but I have Full Authority to call the Church into Active Duty in rescuing this world from its latest Shit Mess and establishing the Highest Order. And I’m looking for a husband or one or ten to marry into the Effort.

We ARE going to create and live and love on a weapons free world, one where no one is bound by politics, religion, or superstition to unnecessary suffering.

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I live in Washington DC where I work in marketing in the association industry. I am soon to be a published author of a novel The Rage of Ganumede and a dissertation, the Lightning Manifesto. In my spare time, I play the French horn, and am an amateur composer. I need to find a photographer for a beauty shot. My selfies make my nose look too big.

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