Why Life on Earth Depends on the End of Evangelical Christianity and its Yellow Brick Road, the Republican Party, AKA “Why Government needs to Serve the People, ALL the People.”

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Tawsi Melek the King of Angels and the Master of the Household said:

I allow each to pursue the dictates of their natures. He who opposes me shall regret it sorely.”

In America, we have abandoned the idea of Free Nature, we have long since. Perhaps we never understood it or allowed it, perhaps the embers of True Freedom have always been snuffed, stepped on like a used cigarette butt smoked to the end, we let it drop to the sidewalk and crushed out as by a fancy spiked heeled leather pump called the Grand Old Party.

Every time it comes up, Universal Freedom, every time it did, they were waiting like whores well past their primes for their favorite Johns the Evangelicals and Baptists, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, defective Mormons, a few others, determined to use the ambitions of these Southern Fried Anachronisms to broker the power of human tragedy to the coin purses of their “salvations.”

Salvation is a term for a kind of bundle of fell passions these savages entertain and have no trouble entertaining themselves with at your expense, especially if you are a woman, gay, Jewish, Muslim, poor, an immigrant, or are of African descent.

Ever since the Akkadians fell to the Assyrians, a brutal andro-centric culture, the world has lived in fear of the loss of its very soul and the simplest of means to survive. Desperate themselves, they overran and destroyed the First Born, the Jews, the Mothers, Fathers, and Children of Civilization.

These Jews, which evidence suggests were the First Sentient Beings, enjoyed the Highest Order of Civilization. They worked, they played, they loved, they sang, the wrote, painted and dreamed of a world with ways of life unlimited except by those for which there was no longer any time left in creation to pursue them.

That idea, of freedom to dream about all that good, good stuff and limited by naught but time is what real freedom is about.

This dream was especially creamy to a bunch of mostly naked Juice that used rivers to wash their underpants and lacked electricity and products, but their vision was not daunted and that is because of their most important value: Amity was better than hostility.

Their strongest quandary was whether men should be lost to love or to war, and shame on the man that resorted to the former rather than the latter. Their Goddess, the Mother of Us All, Astarte said “You choose to lose them to war, I will lose them to love.”

This idea, “make love not war” is not new.

After the Assyrians came, all traces of those who trusted in the First Faith were lost. Amos and Isaiah lamented it, and Jews ever since have remanded themselves to the horror of the God Yah, also called Bel, or Baal, a master of torture and tragedy.

Read Hymns to Ishtar, Enlil, and Enki, the Holy Trinity of the Juice, and then take a spin through the Old Testament. Numerous written works dedicated to all three gods have been found all over the Middle East, but Enki “the Temple”, was favored. David and Solomon probably prayed to Enki the most. Observe why:

From A hymn to Enki for Ishme-Dagan (Ishme-Dagan X): translation:

Lord who among the gods makes the clever decisions, most prominent among them from the south to the uplands; who holding a staff in his hand determines their destinies as the Anuna gods come to him;

Who possessing all the divine powers is alone surpassing; a great lord, who …… the living things; who alone is proclaimed as their god — you are their …….

You, whose utterances make justice flourish, strengthen the divine powers of heaven and earth. You, who examine the ordinances and carry them out correctly, are proclaimed as their great prince.

7-16Lord, who has made the seed of mankind come forth, who creates good destiny for them, who teaches them the proper practices!

He makes august and dignified rites proliferate truly like grass. He assigns the sceptres, he distributes the loyal crowns, and announces their exalted names.

He …… their divinity until far and distant times in (?) heaven and earth. Everlasting prince ……. Lord,

who gives clever counsel, and who is endowed with prudence, outstanding intelligence and profound understanding!

Trustworthy god, whose …… wholly surpasses description. Adviser, lord who deliberates only with himself, …….

Deep-hearted prince, whose words are unalterable (?), who disseminates his wisdom widely. Clever and competent, wise lord, ……, who knows everything

How many times in your life have you praised God in such a manner? Deep-hearted Prince invokes Jesus Christ to me, doesn’t it?

Is it possible this God who gives Clear Counsel, very patient, with outstanding intelligence has transmigrated through our lives since the beginning, has been in lock step with us to help us remain steadfast? How much of this sounds like it was taken right out of the Quran?

What sounds alien about it? Would Enki would allow the Juice to get lost in the desert for 40 years? Would Enki ordain the Son of Man to a Cross? Right after He Declared Peace on Earth, Goodwill Towards Men Glory to God on High, Love your Neighbor as You Love Yourself, Go forth and forgive sin?

What did Allah say about all this? Tawsi Melek? Krishna? Padmasambhava?

Did Muhammad pray for salvation for himself at the end of his life or did he pray, like his hair was on fire that we employ Allah with One Voice for the Sacrosanctuary of Mankind?

And boy howdy do the Evangelicals shit their kidneys out if we try to benefit from the ways other persons and cultures have benefitted from contemplating the Goodness and Greatness of God. And we need to do this. Everyone but us has done this.

Researchers and anthropologists are one and all convinced early society from as far back as 9,000 BCE functioned just as the Authors of the Gospels and Muhammad himself powerfully suggested we consider trying again:

with a high degree of communal organization, of subordinating the personal interests to those of the many.”

Religion, politics, and the people served one another and by all accounts life was good. What changed? after the Assyrians engaged in Holocaust, and life got hard, why didn’t it spring back? Was all that love of God and actionable belief in His Stellar Character lost?

It appears so. Saul of Tarsus took full advantage of our willingness to be used and abused by a brutal God. This prompted Heaven to send the Angels and Archangels in and the Gospels were written.


It didn’t work. Every last tenet of Saul’s new Judaism trumped all the rational arguments and illustrations of Civil Society the Embodied Spirit left behind. We just didn’t want what Jesus Christ had to offer and we still don’t.

The same goes for Muhammad, Vyasa, Joseph Smith, Rambam, Chinmaya, etc. we have rejected the Words of God no matter who or when they have been uttered and we need to ask ourselves why we have done this.

We need to analyze how it has warped and deformed how we allow ourselves to be governed, the standards we have for Government and why we aren’t more critical of both. That’s what the Scriptures are for to help us set the Highest of Standards for the interactions between man and God, man and self, man and society.

Thank Gods someone, Eleanor Roosevelt in particular, perhaps the most important person to have graced the earth since Abraham Lincoln worried about this with her entire being.

Do not fail to read her work:

The Charter of the United Nations can be found here.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights can be found here.

Government and Religion dovetail when they direct human talent, technology, our resources time, and emotions, all of our passions towards the continual solving of our problems and discovery of opportunities to improve our Qualities of Life and defend us from all threats to the former.

This includes the subtle influences on our affairs to those of flagrant attempts to usurp the Highest Order. Examples like Franklin Graham (special kind of fucker), Rick Scarborough, what a jerk, Tony Perkins (Oh God, much worse) and Mike Pence (Praise Jesus when you rid us of him), and the Dragon, Donald Tump.

James Dobson has been an alligator under my bed, a source of anxiety and utter horror my entire life, and I long for the day he is deep in his grave, so I know at last the Devil Himself has given up on trying to befoul life on this gorgeous planet.

Crocodile Under the Bed | Animals

Why were he and the others given safe harbor, all that share of wallet and share of mind in order to bring such unhappiness into our lives? What God would allow this or want this for us? Who would speak for Him or perform His Infernal Work?

The Republican Party and its religion, that is who. They are unholy, and they need to be made unwelcome or all of us are going to die hating ourselves and those that came before us for failing to cherish the Good Life our ancestors reveled in.

Every day I feel like our ability to visualize the Good Life is falling into the maw of the Encroaching Darkness of the Party and the Faith. This vulnerability stems from our lack of insistence upon the fact our Citizenship has value. The Government exists to prevent ignorance and violence from swallowing our lives up and should they try to make them regret it sorely, with the temper of a Righteous Serial Killer. With the Resolute Rage of the King of Angels when tempted by the Dragon to defend His House.

All of the conflicts inherent to the aforementioned relations between God and man, man and himself etc. dissolve in this harmonious union of the Governed and their Governments and we have lost our appetites for this. For thousands of years, we have just wanted something else.

Not I.

To War.

Tawsi Melek, in His Guise as Krishna, the Supreme General of Heaven and the Scourge of the Wicked said to an ailing humanity:

Where the wicked go, so do other men,

The same can be said about the Wise.

If I were to behave in a manner so wicked, what would become of this Creation?

Rise up! They are brutes and savages…all of them.

Embodied by their actions without regret, they are already dead to me.

Rise Up!

Put them to the sword, they shall not be missed.

With Me at your side you shall not falter.

Now, why won’t you fight?

Pictured: Enki the Jewish God of the Temple decanting creation.


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I live in Washington DC where I work in marketing in the association industry. I am soon to be a published author of a novel The Rage of Ganumede and a dissertation, the Lightning Manifesto. In my spare time, I play the French horn, and am an amateur composer. https://soundcloud.com/michael-das-501331974. I need to find a photographer for a beauty shot. My selfies make my nose look too big.

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